It's that time of the year again! We just had elections at Area. And not a lot of people showed up to take positions. This lingering question comes to mind? Do the recovering addicts in our area understand that we need help to continue to carry this message of hope? We need help at every level of service! Area level, Convention level, Region level. And our homegroup level.
Another question that comes to mind is: Does our Area even want another Convention? We successfully had 31 conventions. Is it just played out? And what about the other services Area provides? Do our members still want to have H&I services? What about meeting directories at their homegroup? What about literature? Outreach? Digital websites? All these service committees and more is what area provides. It doesn't magically happen. It is from the dedicated members of Rock River Area.
As I reflect on my life through NA, I remember coming into Area Service and having to run against members for different positions. Like 6 deep for every position. Sometimes I would be elected, sometimes I wouldn't but I kept trying. Sometimes I would chair a position sometimes I would sit on a subcommittee. I did this because my life depended (depends) on it. I give back what was freely given to me. The easiest way to do this is to be of service in NA.
After Covid, there seems to be this void in Service level attendance across the board. Where did everyone go? WE NEED YOU!
I've heard it shared; gratitude is an action word.
Thank You for Your Service
April 12th - 14th was my first convention and I just want to say thank you to all who helped make that happen. I had a great time and definitely grew spiritually. One reason is from seeing and experiencing the unity of addicts from all the different home groups in Rockford come together as one to make such a huge event come to life so gracefully. Seeing so many different people from so many areas of the country come together and interact as though we were a huge family was pretty powerful as well.
The speakers were great - amazing really. When I helped as a Serenity Keeper everyone was so polite, respectful and helpful... that really helped me to not only see the unity and love, (like I have for instance in going to out-of-town to meetings) where I walk into a meeting and feel like I'm at home.
I'm grateful to all who served to put this event on. My belief in NA grew tremendously, my spirit was fed more so than I've ever experienced at one time and I saw the love and compassion of my local peeps on a whole another level.
Thanks for being a huge part of my recovery and showing me this new way of life.
Submitted by: Sean C
Call Your Sponsor
Sometimes I need a friendly reminder that I need to contact my sponsor. They've helped me out so much, especially when I was first getting clean, and I sometimes forget that I need to help them, too, by giving them a call and letting them know where I'm at.
This is a we program; it works when we work it together.
Service Work Saved Me
My name is Kimberly and I am an addict.
When I got to NA, like many of us, I had no self-worth. I didn't think that I could do anything right. I had zero integrity and was completely unreliable. Then, I hit 90 days clean and started chairing meetings. I mean, they gave me a KEY! I was responsible for having the doors open and taking money to the bank. It was important to me to get it right. I showed up when I was supposed to and never missed a deposit. I could barely get that right in active addiction when I was being paid to.
Then I was nominated for a position at my home group and then at the area level. It isn't just that I have learned so much from the various roles I have taken or the wonderful people I get to serve. It is the self-esteem it gave (gives) me. It is doing for others. It is giving back to what was so freely given to me. It is recognizing that gratitude is an action word and not just a feeling.
Service work is just one of the many reasons I owe NA so much.
No Matter What
I love the Rock River Area of Narcotics Anonymous. There are so many people in this area that help make NA strong, and I wanted to let them know that the way they lead, they truly embody the spiritual prinicple of attraction in this program. Even when I don't make it to in-person meetings, I still feel connected to the fellowship because of how many people reach out and teach me to reach out during both the good times and the challenges.
No matter what, I will rememember my attitude of gratitude, because I don't have to use today to live thanks to this fellowship and area. Every single act of kindness, tough love and service counts, and it makes RRAGS feel like home to so many of us.
It Works If You Work It
I came to my first NA meeting 20 years ago. I have been in and out ever since. I remember there being a significant amount of chaos at my first meeting, and thinking to myself, these are my people.
I have watched over my time in and out members continue to stay, and I have seen their growth firsthand. These people have given me the continual hope that I so needed in order to figure this staying clean thing out.
I have continued to attempt to get clean since that first meeting, and I finally have been able to put together 2.5 years of continuance clean time, and all though life is not always easy, the things that I learn from these people that continue to stay have helped me to become a productive member of society, a better wife, a better mother, and a better friend.
I depend on my network of people regularly and hope to continue to do so. I am so grateful for Narcotics Anonymous and how it has changed my perspective on my life. I GET to participate in life on life's terms today, I no longer feel like I HAVE to, and if I keep this perspective flip in my mind it allows me to maintain the attitude of gratitude that is vital to me staying clean.
Thank you to everyone that has participated in Narcotics Anonymous for teaching me this!
Submitted anonymously
Meeting Makers Make It
During the first handful of meetings I attended at my now home group (90 in 90) many addicts emphasized “90 meetings in 90 days”. I am eternally grateful for all the addicts who suggested this to me over and over again despite my nonchalance and skepticism. Today, I have 350 days clean and I’ve attended more than 300 meetings. I’ve shared, cried, and sat in complete silence during those meetings. I met friends that are more like family members. I am learning how to show up as I am today and everyday.
Submitted by: Alexis R. From 90 in 90
October Area at Off The Walnut in Freeport
Hey NA family,
My name is Meghan, and I’m an addict. This month I wanted to share about Rock River Area Group Services monthly meeting.
This event is how I got into service work when I first got clean. My sponsor invited me to attend a RRAGS Area meeting with her, and it was the first time I got to meet other addicts outside my home group. It was a cool experience because it helped me see the NA program in action. There were all these smart, joyful recovering addicts in one room, talking about stuff that sounded important and meaningful. Going to my first Area meeting was the moment I could see that being a recovering addict wasn’t a life sentence of regret and pain. We do recover.
If you read this and think you want to visit an Area meeting to experience it yourself- click the link here for our RRAGS Area business meeting schedule.
In loving service,
Meghan from 90 in 90