My name is Kimberly and I am an addict.
When I got to NA, like many of us, I had no self-worth. I didn't think that I could do anything right. I had zero integrity and was completely unreliable. Then, I hit 90 days clean and started chairing meetings. I mean, they gave me a KEY! I was responsible for having the doors open and taking money to the bank. It was important to me to get it right. I showed up when I was supposed to and never missed a deposit. I could barely get that right in active addiction when I was being paid to.
Then I was nominated for a position at my home group and then at the area level. It isn't just that I have learned so much from the various roles I have taken or the wonderful people I get to serve. It is the self-esteem it gave (gives) me. It is doing for others. It is giving back to what was so freely given to me. It is recognizing that gratitude is an action word and not just a feeling.
Service work is just one of the many reasons I owe NA so much.