It Works If You Work It

I came to my first NA meeting 20 years ago.  I have been in and out ever since.  I remember there being a significant amount of chaos at my first meeting, and thinking to myself, these are my people. 

I have watched over my time in and out members continue to stay, and I have seen their growth firsthand.  These people have given me the continual hope that I so needed in order to figure this staying clean thing out. 

I have continued to attempt to get clean since that first meeting, and I finally have been able to put together 2.5 years of continuance clean time, and all though life is not always easy, the things that I learn from these people that continue to stay have helped me to become a productive member of society, a better wife, a better mother, and a better friend. 

I depend on my network of people regularly and hope to continue to do so.  I am so grateful for Narcotics Anonymous and how it has changed my perspective on my life.  I GET to participate in life on life's terms today, I no longer feel like I HAVE to, and if I keep this perspective flip in my mind it allows me to maintain the attitude of gratitude that is vital to me staying clean. 

Thank you to everyone that has participated in Narcotics Anonymous for teaching me this!

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