Meeting Makers Make It

During the first handful of meetings I attended at my now home group (90 in 90) many addicts emphasized “90 meetings in 90 days”. I am eternally grateful for all the addicts who suggested this to me over and over again despite my nonchalance and skepticism. Today, I have 350 days clean and I’ve attended more than 300 meetings. I’ve shared, cried, and sat in complete silence during those meetings. I met friends that are more like family members. I am learning how to show up as I am today and everyday.

Submitted by: Alexis R. From 90 in 90

October Area at Off The Walnut in Freeport

Hey NA family,

My name is Meghan, and I’m an addict. This month I wanted to share about Rock River Area Group Services monthly meeting.

This event is how I got into service work when I first got clean. My sponsor invited me to attend a RRAGS Area meeting with her, and it was the first time I got to meet other addicts outside my home group. It was a cool experience because it helped me see the NA program in action. There were all these smart, joyful recovering addicts in one room, talking about stuff that sounded important and meaningful. Going to my first Area meeting was the moment I could see that being a recovering addict wasn’t a life sentence of regret and pain. We do recover.

If you read this and think you want to visit an Area meeting to experience it yourself- click the link here for our RRAGS Area business meeting schedule.

In loving service,

Meghan from 90 in 90